Work organization: Psychosocial Factors and Health. Prevention experiences (in Spanish)
Various authors, Madrid: ISTAS, 2007.
The V Forum ISTAS of Occupational Health conveyed the message that it is possible to prevent psychosocial risks. Papers were presented about the state of the arts, focusing on studies on the relationship between work organization, psychosocial risks, workers’ health and preventive actions. In addition, data on the Spanish reality were presented. A wide range of experiences of intervention at companies showing how this could be done was also presented: from prevention at the origin, changing the organization of work in order for it to be healthier, more just and democratic, with the participation of all the agents involved.
– Chapter “Exposición laboral a riesgos psicosociales en la población asalariada española”. Pp. 35-45. Authors: Salvador Moncada Lluís; Clara Llorens Serrano; Xavier Gimeno Torrent; Ariadna Font Corominas.
– Chapter “Exposición a riesgos psicosociales y prácticas empresariales de gestión de la mano de obra. Una aproximación”. Pp. 46-55. Authors: Clara Llorens; Salvador Moncada; Ramon Alós; Ernest Cano; Ariadna Font; Xavier Gimeno; Pere Jódar; Vicente López; Amat Sánchez.