- Xavier Gimeno Torrent
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- Papers
- Formulation of a symbolic violence scale questionnaire: the importance of the epistemological, theoretical, and methodological construction of the object of study
- The heroes of ALS: The social structure of the triumphalist discourses of overcoming and celebrating a patient and legitimizing a disease. A comparative sociology of an ideology of the patient as a hero
- The circuit of symbolic violence in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME): Preliminary formulation of an analytical model from the study of newspapers’ letters to the editor (in Spanish)
- The circuit of symbolic violence in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) (I): A preliminary study
- Why We Fight and The Focused Interview. Cinema and Social Science during World War II
- Book review of La división del trabajo social by Émile Durkheim (in Catalan)
- Mass Persuasion Chapter 6: The Social and Cultural Context (in Catalan)
- Introduction to the Second Edition of The Focused Interview by Robert K. Merton (in Catalan)
- The politicization of Catalan sociological field: a comparative structural indicator (in Catalan)
- Book review of Esbós d’autoanàlisi by Pierre Bourdieu (in Catalan)
- Sampling, over-representation of social categories and the sexual division of labour: formulating a hypothesis about the double work (in Spanish)
- The study of the institutionalization process of sociology in Catalonia (II): an analytical model and a system of hypotheses (translated into Spanish)
- The study of the institutionalization process of sociology in Catalonia (II): an analytical model and a system of hypotheses (in Catalan)
- The study of the institutionalization process of sociology in Catalonia (I): state of the arts (translated into Spanish)
- The study of the institutionalization process of sociology in Catalonia (I): state of the arts (in Catalan)
- The establishment of the district of Santa Maria de Palafolls. Research protocol (in Catalan)
- The process of institutionalization of sociology in Catalonia. Research protocol (in Catalan)
- An analytical model and a system of hypotheses for the study of the process of institutionalization of sociology in Catalonia (in Catalan)
- A tentative model for the study of collective bargaining. Formulation as a result of developing a sample of collective agreements (in Catalan)
- Survey research problems during fieldwork with personal interviews in epidemiological studies (in Spanish)
- Classification and hierarchy. The inequalities structure of the UAB Department of Sociology (1998-2003) as seen through the analysis of the structure of relationships (in Catalan)
- Books
- The Focused Interview by Merton, Fiske & Kendall translated into Catalan and Spanish
- Propos sur le champ politique by Pierre Bourdieu and Philippe Fritsch translated into Catalan
- Esquisse pour une auto-analyse by Pierre Bourdieu translated into Catalan
- Work organization: Psychosocial Factors and Health. Prevention experiences (in Spanish)
- Collective bargaining in Catalonia (in Catalan)
- Sociology TV
- Contact
- Epistemology social sciences
- Methodology
- Political sociology
- Social theory
- Sociologists
- Sociology of gender
- Sociology of knowledge
- Sociology of media