
Picture of Xavier Gimeno Torrent.
Xavier Gimeno Torrent is a sociologist and independent researcher. He is currently focused on the study of the social effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome based on Pierre Bourdieu’s paradigm of symbolic violence and is conducting a great range research to understand the mechanisms of symbolic and social relegation of patients suffering from this disease. The aim of this research is to obtain a quantitative scale of symbolic violence allowing to objectify the type and degree of social abuse experienced by people diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Article 1). He is also interested in the institutionalization of sociology in Catalonia. His articles “Classification and hierarchy (in Catalan)” (Revista Catalana de Sociologia, volume 21) and “The study of the institutionalization process of sociology in Catalonia I & II” (RCS, volumes 24 and 25) are representative of this research line. He also works as a scientific translator. He is also currently working on the translation into Spanish and Catalan of Robert K. Merton’s classic The Focused Interview. Other translations into Catalan are El camp polític (Gedisa, 2017), translation of Propos sur le champ politique by Pierre Bourdieu and, from the same author, Esbós d’autoanàlisi (Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2008). He has also published articles devoted to the study of survey research problems (Metodología de Encuestas, volume 8; Empiria, volume 20).